Wednesday, July 18, 2012

PaD #17: my addiction

tough one, this...'addiction' is a loaded word for someone like me, who has watched friends and family struggle with the ugliest connotations of it through the years.  my first reaction was, "I have no addictions", as I really don't, in that context - I hardly drink, I quit smoking, drama is not generally on the menu with me, I don't watch television or drink coffee, and I can't afford to 'shop 'til I drop' (not that I would, if I had the money, it's not my style to over-consume).  I suppose one could become addicted to anything, so I moved to thoughts of my unhealthy relationship with food, starting with ice cream, which I LOVE, but I tend not to buy it to keep from eating it.  not that I don't indulge a sugar/chocolate craving now and again, I just tend to go with organic dark chocolate, so there's both a mindfullness and a health benefit attached to my indulgence.  I thought I could post a picture of my bookshelf, because I love to read, but once again, I had a hard time wrapping my head around the negative connotations of 'addiction', and have a writer's aversion to using it to mean anything other than an ugly downward spiral caused by an out-of-control abuse of some harmful substance or another.

so, I searched the term 'positive addiction', and lo and behold, it's an actual 'psychological' term akin to all the other 'think good things' schools of thought.  with that in mind, here are a few shots of things I love to do, experience, and interact with:

helping/watching things grow

playing in water


this face!

sorry, I forgot to snap one of my bookshelf, but reading is way up there in terms of things I truly enjoy - along with writing, and taking pictures.  and while none of these can be considered an 'addiction' with me, I do tend to do them over and over for the good vibes they create, and the feeling of connectedness to my own divinity ~

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